Saturday 4 January 2014

Pay Per Sale, Affiliate Programs, and Commissions

Successful Affiliate Program

Pay Per Sale, Affiliate Programs, and Commissions You're simply selling someone else's product through your marketing efforts,it's a blog or website, and you receive a sales commission when the sale is completed.

Most of these products are informational, either anecourse, software, or ebook. Quite a few of the affiliate products pay more than a 50% commission. The smart product owners offer banners, buttons, sales copy, and even articles that you can use to promote with.

Clickbankis one of the most established programs. Commission Junction is another source. Both of these make the payments to the affiliates so you don't have to worry whether the product owner will pay. PayDotComis a program which uses PayPal as the payment method. The product owner makes the decision to pay the affiliates and has to authorize PayDotComto do so. Many products offer their own affiliate program independently. Look for one with a solid history of payment.

You can also become an affiliate of to sell books and consumer products such as jewelry, televisions, whatever. The percentage commission is much lower, but sometimes the retail price is high enough to make up for it. The fastest way to make money selling affiliate products is to think about the forums, lists and discussion groups you already belong to. What are the questions being asked? Is there a problem that people need a solution for? What are the hot topics?

Set up an affiliate account at clickbank. Go to their marketplace and search for products that will solve the problems, or are the answer to the questions being discussed.

Set up a blog or squidoo pages that relate to the affiliate programs. Post a informative response and include your affiliate product in your response. A softer sell is to post a review of the product on your blog and then post a response to the list/discussion forum stating that you've reviewed the product and they can find out more on your blog. You can also set up a squidoo page and refer people to your squidoo page. You will probably need to make 3 to 4 sales to earn $100 in commissions.

Writing Articles

Writing Articles for Pay

There are sites that pay for content. Most of the sites require that you post your article first and wait for a buyer to come by to purchase your articles. AssociatedContentbuys the article from you. The pay is minimal from $3 to $5per 500 word article. However there are occasions where Associated Content has paid up to $50 per article. The articles can be submitted on an exclusive basis, meaning they aren't and won't be posted anywhere else, or nonexclusive, which means you've used the article elsewhere. It takes a day or two for Associated Content to review the article and make the offer. You are not required to accept the offer and can withdraw the article. It takes another two days for the article to be published and then two or three days for Associated Content to make the payment to you. Place ads on craigslist and usfreeadsoffering your service.

Websites that pay for articles:


There are a number of sites you can post articles, tips, or essays to. You get paid a share of the earnings of the ads that show up with your article. The more popular article, the more views, the more revenue you can earn. Sites that share ad revenue with writers:


Part One of How to Earn $100 Daily form the Net

Part One of How to Earn cash on the Internet

Ghostwriting articles

You have to have some writing talent to ghostwrite articles. You do need to be organized, able to research topics quickly, summarize the main points and write the article in a clear way, with correct spelling and grammar. The article length can range from 200 words to 1000 words or more. Payment is usually by the word. For beginners, a 500 word article can be sold for about $5.00. An accomplished ghostwriter can charge up to $30 for a 500 word article.

The client gives you the topic and any key words that must be included in the article. How long it takes to write the article is 5 per article. Both Digital Point and The Warrior Forum, Warriodependent upon how much you already know about the topic and how quickly you can find the materials you need to research the topic. It is possible, working at a steady pace, to write ten 400-500 word articles in one day. That's $100 at $r Special Offers (WSOs) have threads where people offer their services for sale. You can post an offer at no cost on Digital Point but you have to have been a member and have 15 posts to your name in order to do so. Warrior Forum also requires that you have been a member for awhile and there is a fee to post a WSO. However, you can still earn money through these boards.

Join both of these groups. Scan the posts on the WSO thread and the Buy-Sell-Trade board at Digital Point. Offer your services to the people who are asking questions about the services currently offered, or who have said they've bought the service. Do this by the private message function on both boards, not by posting on the thread. Place ads on craigslist and usfreeadsoffering your service. Posting Your Way to Dollars. Post on forums. It has been shown that people don't want to post on forums unless there are already posts. New forum owners pay people to post comments, start threads, and respond to other threads in an effort to get some forum action going. As the forum grows, the level of posting increases until paid posts aren't necessary.

Forum topics have a huge variety. There's probably a forum for just about any subject. Usually a paid poster has to have at least some knowledge of the subject to post relevant comments. There can be a minimum word count for the posts. Posts of "I agree," "Me too," and "Thanks for the info," are too short and don't add anything to the discussion, so forum owners don't want to pay for them. Posting on forums doesn't pay a lot, perhaps as little as 10 posts for a dollar. Find the jobs on Internet marketing related websites like Digital Forum.

Post on blogs You can be paid to post comments on blogs much the same way you can be paid to post on forums. Pretty much the same criteria applies, the posts can't be too short and have to be relevant to the subject matter. You can search for offers of 5 posts for a dollar. If each post takes a minute you would have to work a little over 8 hours to make $100. Place ads on craigslist and usfreeadsoffering your service.

Steps to Starting Making at least $100 daily

 Steps to Follow

Here are the steps you need to follow. But first, quickly go SFI for your free affiliate account set.

Go to craigslist. You will be using it for placing ads. There is no cost for the account, or for the ads.

Go to usfreeads. You will be using it for placing ads. There is no cost for the account, or for the ads.

All of this should take no more than an hour, if you are planning to sell a product, whether it's your own, or someone else's product and receive a commission, set up a blog, squidoo page, or hubpage. Moreabout blogging and squidooing later.

Read part one of this report for other details.

Wednesday 1 January 2014

How to earn $100 in 24 hours on the Internet

How to Earn from the Internet

This report is about earning at least $100 on the internet from scratch.

You can earn cash on the Internet. There is no magic button. It takes work but you can do it. Earn means you have completed the work and the money is owed to you. With some of the companies included in this report as resources, payment is on a weekly or monthly basis. Many times, working with individuals, the payment will be made immediately upon completion of the work.

You don't need any upfront cash to get started, just your wits, a computer and an Internet connection. It's a given you have the needed software for word processing, but if you don't you can download Open Office.

Just to be clear, this report is not advising you to gather up all your unused books,videos, games, whatever, and sell them on Ebay. That is a way to generate cash, but no different than a garage sale, it's just online.
There are a few basics you will need to have in place. You probably already have a Paypalaccount, but if you don't set one up. You can accept payment through Paypal for the most part, unless it's a commission for an affiliate sale.
Check the next report, as I will be telling you exactly how you are going to be earning money, from the scratch